Monday, March 24, 2014

Creating a new post about color :)

A blue scarf I made recently :)

Dear friends,

I took a little break last week after a 15 day blog-a-thon and an incredible experience (Interplay Life Practice+++)which I was integrating.  I'm excited to be back to blogging and starting off this week with a Monday Funday prompt from one of my friends +Jessica Gordon  in my Daily Creative Practice (DCP) group.

Jes writes:

Since I'm known as the color girl... I thought I'd do our first DCP Monday Funday blog prompt - about color!!!
Do you have a favorite color? How does that color influence your creative practice? Do you know when you first fell in love with that color? What feelings, emotions, imagery, etc does that color provoke for you? Have you ever looked up the personality description of your favorite color? If so, does it describe you? If you do not have a favorite color, describe why you don't...

 I love color!  For years growing up my favorite color was Blue - royal blue, sky blue almost any shade of blue including teal and turquoise.

When I looked up what that meant, according to

Blue: Soft, soothing, compassionate and caring, Blue is the color of deliberation and introspection, conservatism and duty. Patient, persevering, conscientious, sensitive and self-controlled, Blues like to be admired for their steady character and wisdom. They are faithful, but are often worriers with somewhat inflexible beliefs and can be too cautious, and suspicious of flamboyant behavior.
Blue-Green: Exacting, discriminating, poised and attractive, the Blue-Green person tends to be sensitive, intellectual and refined, persevering and stable if rather detached. Blue-Greens have excellent taste, and are usually courteous and charming, capable but often refusing help or guidance.
Turquoise: Complex, imaginative and original, Turquoise people drive themselves hard and may be in a state of turmoil under their outwardly cool exterior.

Those descriptions definitely resonate with parts of me.  In my younger days I was shy unless you were a very close friend and I was more cautious.

For the last 10+++ years my favorite color has been purple!  I love purple in all it's yummy richness. This morning I saw a hint of lavender in the twilight sky and it made my heart sigh in gladness.  I laughed when I read what said about purple people:
Me in my purple trialthlon suit - 1st tri was in the wave wearing purple caps too :)
Purple: Purples are highly individual, fastidious, witty and sensitive, with a strong desire to be unique and different. Temperamental, expansive and artistic, a Purple person may become aloof and sarcastic when misunderstood. If you chose Purple, you tend to be unconventional, tolerant and dignified, likely to achieve positions of authority.

beautiful yellow flowers from my yard shining against my purple tablecloth!

I don't have the time to read all the other colors this morning but I bet I would resonate with a piece of each of them since I have always loved rainbows and seek them out whenever I can ....what's your favorite color & why?
Wrapping you around with infinite love and rainbows of light,

Monday, March 17, 2014

Creating quite a day

+Hallelujah Truth & +Sheila K Collins  with me in front of the aib tv studio

Dear friends,

Today has been quite a day!  On Thursday evening my dear friend +Sheila K Collins came in town to lead the Interplay Life Practice program here in Atlanta.  We had a delightful weekend (more about this soon) and today we continued to have some fun.  This morning we went to the Alta Senior Living Center in John's Creek where Sheila performed her book:  Warrior Mother.  If you haven't seen the trailer for her amazing book and story check it out....

I had a terrific time being one of the 3 Atlanta interplayers who helped Sheila perform her book in this lovely setting.  

When we finished we zoomed into town through a rain storm and traffic jam to meet up with another friend, Audrey who invited Sheila to come and be filmed for an upcoming cable show on grief and loss.

It ended up that after they filmed the panel we backed up Sheila as she told a story and we did a gesture choir (one of the Interplay forms) behind her.  

Ta-da!  My big cable t.v. debut - lol.  I'll let ya'll know (maybe) when it airs.

It's been a full and rewarding 4 days.  I have so much more I want to share but it's time for bed and some much needed sleep.

Wrapping you around with infinite love and wisdom,


Saturday, March 15, 2014

Creating the last day of the c4 blogsthon

Dear friends,  
I'm away at an Interplay Life Practice retreat so this last post is later than usual.  Know that I'm thinking of you and my gift of thanks was given tonight when I walked a beautiful labyrinth in the moon light, while playing my Tibetan healing bowls, and at the end I sang my prayers and included you in them. I sang, to all my friends wherever you may be, to all my friends however you may be...I wrap you around with infinite love and wisdom...hey,hey,hey,ho,oh,o.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Creating Day 14: Friday Picture day :)

Working on costumes at Art Night

Sammie at her photo exhibit at Lionheart Performing Arts Center

me telling a story at an Interplay event in Norcross at the PAC

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Creating Day 13: Community

Hello Friends,

Part of my DCP today :)
Today our prompt is asking us about community and how our artwork supports it.  My "art" supports my family and community through my work in girl scouts, coaching volleyball at the Y, serving on the high school Orchestra booster board and Art nights for my neighbors and friends.  I'm sure there are a few more things but I want to take today's prompt and brag on one of my favorite artist - my husband, Joe.  He is very talented and gives so much of his art away to the community.  He routinely paints sets for the Lionheart Community Theater and recently he painted a cool dragon door for the Habitat for Humanity Doors for Hope Project.  I thought I'd share a few pics.

Wrapping you around with infinite love,


The set of Mort for Lionheart

Mort Set

The back of the Dragon door for Doors for Hope

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Set

I LOVE this man!!!
 If you haven't already - check out his facebook page at Joe Gautreaux Fantasy Art

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Creating Day 12 - A Rant?

Prompt 12:  As an artist or creative entrepreneur, explore your relationship to money in a rant.
What do you want to proclaim about your art and its financial role in your life?
Aspects of money to consider:

Dear friends,

Today's prompt is a bit of a challenge for me since overall I'm not very good at ranting - unless we're talking about social injustice or why my family doesn't pick up after themselves (maybe I'm better at ranting than I think - lol).

But here is a quick poem that sums up my relationship with $ - it perplexes me.


They say you're a tool.  

Something used in the course of my everyday work.

I'd like to use you.

I'd like to know you.

Where do you come from?

Where do you go?

Why oh why do you come in so slow?

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Creating Day 11 - c4 Blogathon - I love my superpowers :)


Today, we want to ask you to name some of the tools, resources, or connections that you need to conquer your creative dreams.


  • What knowledge gaps do you have?

    I think the list on this one may be too long - lol!

    For sure I want to learn some technical aspects of painting and I want to learn how to do the beeswax technique of finishing a painting. 


    Twilight this morning :)  I'm loving the time change!

    Reflections of twilight - I plan on playing more with this pic but here is the original


  • What classes are you dying to take? Creative, professional, technical, etc...

     My Interplay Leader's training; Painting classes for large canvases


  • If you could do it all over again, what would you do differently - or in a different order?


    I love my life so I hesitate to say I would change anything.  I think I would add some painting lessons early on :)

  • What resources do you feel are essential to the growth of your creative or entrepreneurial practice?

     My continued weekly mastermind meetings with two friends who challenge me and help me to grow.  My support groups including Daily Creative Practice which encourages me to create daily and talk about it :)


  • If you had a super power, what would it be? 


    What only one?  Facilitating positive change and Connecting people are two of my super powers :)

    Can you see the doe?  She was lying down in my Forsyth bush in my backyard this morning


  • If you could work with anyone, who would it be?


    The artists I am connecting with through DCP and this blog-a-thon and my husband and children who are all three talented artists!



    Wrapping you around with infinite love and wisdom,



Monday, March 10, 2014

Creating Day 10 - Creating Risks

What are some appropriate risks for you? Today, think about what are creative risks you might take in your creative practice. What risks can you take in your business? Are there risks you’ve taken that have led to positive change? Any that have not panned out they way you thought? What are some of your greatest successes that have arisen out of risks you’ve taken? If you are very risk averse, what is holding you back from making that leap? What support system(s) would you need to have in place in order to leap into that new creative or entrepreneurial space?

Hello friends,

Just sitting down to write today's blog and it's almost 10:00 - geez - where did this Monday go?

Twilight this morning

I think this prompt may need more brain power than I have left tonight.  I have been a risk taker most of my life - at 18 I went skydiving for the first time (you can hear me talk about it in a spoken word poem I wrote and performed here - "Fall" _)  and since then the adventures keep coming.

My latest risk and adventure has been in conjunction with my coaching business - Wisdom on Wings Coaching and you can read about part of that process here - Creating a New Business.

In regard specifically to my art - even speaking the words artist and claiming it for my own seems a little risky.  This year I am embracing it, dancing with it and playing with it to see where it goes.  

Here is the blog I wrote about Opportunites for Risk in a previous blog-a-thon.

I will ponder tonight's prompt some more this week and perhaps write a future blog on it when it's not past my bedtime :)

Wrapping you around with infinite love and wisdom,


Sunday, March 9, 2014

Creating Day 9 - A Haiku about my inspiration

Sunrise Jan 13, 2014


Sun and moon risings
Mother Earth's glory captured
Filling hearts with joy

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Creating Day 8 - With easy focus


The key to thinking of Blue Ocean Strategy is thinking big, and of the big picture.  What need can your creative offering fill, that no one else has done before? What problem are you solving for the people who experience your art? What void do you fill?  What innovations do you offer to your creative field through your own practice?
Today, think about your Blue Ocean. What can you envision for yourself? How can you create your art such that you don’t even have to think about competition; it becomes irrelevant in this beautiful blue ocean?

Hello friends,

When I look at the prompt with a gentle and easy focus here is what comes to mind....

While sitting on my back deck contemplating my blue ocean on this gorgeous Spring day I looked up and saw this...


This view reminded me that the sky is the limit.  As big and bold as the ocean or as vast and clear as the sky, my vision and my creativity have room to grow.  If I am dreaming I'm dreaming of big canvases.  Nature themes, animal totems and things that bring me joy.   I also touch upon my interest in pottery, photography and my poetry too.  What does my artwork bring to the world?  I can hope it brings joy, comfort and happiness to those who view it.  I can aim for it bringing connection to Mother Earth and her creatures.  I can put the intent of joy, peace and love into every piece I work on be it large or small.  

The Redbud tree just starting to bloom in my backyard

Wrapping you around with infinite joy and wisdom today as we get ready to spring forward,

A bonus picture of Joe and I this afternoon on our deck - we were dreaming and reading :)


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Creating Day 6 - A perfect year of art making...


C4ward March Blogathon: Day 6 Prompt

Imagine one perfect year of art making. Be bold and allow yourself to envision what the ideal situation would be like to you. Tell us about it! Draw or paint it! Sing it! Dance it! Write a poem!

Some aspects to consider (but not necessary):
  • Where are you geographically?
  • What does your dream work environment look and feel like?
  • How is your studio equipped?
  • Who are you creating or collaborating with?
  • Who supports your daily life as you make your creative work?
  • How many hours do you spend creating?
  • How many hours do you spend selling your work or managing the business end?
  • What do you do for recreation?
  • What do you do for inspiration?
  • Do you have any specific goals for this year?

EXTRAS FOR CONSIDERATION: Why aren’t you doing this now? What is preventing you from having your perfect year of making art? What action(s) could you take to have some of this perfection in your life now?

Hello friends,

It's a grey and drippy day at my house today.  I hope this post finds you healthy and well and warm :) 

I'm' going to play with the prompts we were given today:

Where are you geographically?

I love where we live - I love North Georgia and the only thing that could make it better was if I was living right on the lake, or a flowing creek or the ocean :)

What does your dream work environment look and feel like?
My dream environment has warm wood floors, lots of natural light and a comfortable and creative vibe with lots of color.

How is your studio equipped?
I realized as I type this today that I want to create large to giant canvases :)

Even writing this makes me feel excited and elated on the inside.  I want to do my Totem series and I want them to be BIG!!!! So my studio would need to have the necessary supplies to make that happen!

Who are you creating or collaborating with?
I would be collaborating with friends from the DCP and hopefully my sweetheart, Joe and my daughters who are talented artist.

Who supports your daily life as you make your creative work?

This is a good question - I know the Universe will support this endeavor and I probably need to get good enough so I support "myself" by selling some art :).   Or I could get a winning lottery ticket (we are dreaming here).

How many hours do you spend creating?How many hours do you spend selling your work or managing the business end?

In a dream year I would have 4-6 hours a day to create.  This would include time to dream and plan.  An hour a day for the "business" end of the art.  

What do you do for recreation?

My "free" time would be spent doing yoga, meditating, Interplaying and hanging out with friends and family.  I'd probably throw in some triathlons or century rides for fun too :) 

What do you do for inspiration?

My inspiration would be nature and the women's retreats I facilitate and animal spirits. 

Why aren’t you doing this now? What is preventing you from having your perfect year of making art? What action(s) could you take to have some of this perfection in your life now?

I'm not doing this now because I have having fun being a mom and being present in my girls lives and their activities.  I could take a step and dedicate some time to learn how to paint - lol :)  I could also play around with big canvases and/or start doing small studies that I would want to make big.  I want to carve out some time for mixed media and painting this year to help bring this to fruition.

Wrapping you around with infinite love and dreaminess today,


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Creating Day 5 - A studio - what's that?

C4ward March Blogathon: Day 5 Prompt

Bring to life the dynamics of your studio.  What gives you satisfaction in the studio? What are you currently exploring there? Create a "wish list" for your work.  What studio goals would allow for ecstasy?

Hello friends,

Today's prompt is beyond me at the moment so I decided to respond in pictures to show you were I work and play :) We don't officially have a "Studio" in the Gautreaux house - it is the house (which can be a blessing and a curse).

This is the view from directly above my computer where I write my blog  :)

This is one of the two bulletin boards I created Tuesday (inspired by my girl scout troop) at the Jr. High for Women's History Month - It was fun and fast :)

Here's a pic from Ellen's Gar-a-gio where I thankfully get to play with clay, create cool stuff and hang out with an awesome artist!

Here is a pic of my table in the dining room - it is old and paint spattered -  I live with 3 other artists - and we create everywhere. I put a tablecloth on it and call it good

This is a picture from a walk in my neighborhood on Sunday.  Nature inspires me and is the ultimate studio :)

This pic was taken from my car during one of my morning car pool trips - It's one of my favorites and reminds me that even in my "ordinary" world - Art is ever present!

 Wrapping you around with infinite love and wisdom,
