Saturday, March 8, 2014

Creating Day 8 - With easy focus


The key to thinking of Blue Ocean Strategy is thinking big, and of the big picture.  What need can your creative offering fill, that no one else has done before? What problem are you solving for the people who experience your art? What void do you fill?  What innovations do you offer to your creative field through your own practice?
Today, think about your Blue Ocean. What can you envision for yourself? How can you create your art such that you don’t even have to think about competition; it becomes irrelevant in this beautiful blue ocean?

Hello friends,

When I look at the prompt with a gentle and easy focus here is what comes to mind....

While sitting on my back deck contemplating my blue ocean on this gorgeous Spring day I looked up and saw this...


This view reminded me that the sky is the limit.  As big and bold as the ocean or as vast and clear as the sky, my vision and my creativity have room to grow.  If I am dreaming I'm dreaming of big canvases.  Nature themes, animal totems and things that bring me joy.   I also touch upon my interest in pottery, photography and my poetry too.  What does my artwork bring to the world?  I can hope it brings joy, comfort and happiness to those who view it.  I can aim for it bringing connection to Mother Earth and her creatures.  I can put the intent of joy, peace and love into every piece I work on be it large or small.  

The Redbud tree just starting to bloom in my backyard

Wrapping you around with infinite joy and wisdom today as we get ready to spring forward,

A bonus picture of Joe and I this afternoon on our deck - we were dreaming and reading :)



  1. Just a second before I went to your site to read your blog, I was thinking: I never even thought of the sky where blue ocean is concerned, had a moment of mild regret I'd missed that opportunity. Vey mild regret. Imagine my surprise when I saw you'd written about the sky. Good for you.

  2. Love that you thought of the sky. A beautiful day for this challenge.

  3. Christine, love connecting with you through art and Social Work. Beautiful interpetation of today's prompts. Lovely photo of you and Joe (who is a total sweetheart).

    1. Thanks Callahan- me too! He enjoyed doing interplay with you today!

  4. Dear Friend Christine! Love your envisioning through easy focus! Wheeeeeeeee!
