Thursday, September 25, 2014

Creating a loving tribute

Dear friends,

Today is my Nanny’s 87th birthday.  

Lila Ruth Scott

I was going to write a poem or a story and have thought about her all day.  But as the day wraps I think I will just tell you a few things about this delightful woman I love.

She is the mother of 4
Grandmother of 6
Great grandmother of 10
And Great, great grandmother of 2.

A depression child who knows how to feed a family on food she grew herself whether it is fresh from the garden or lovingly harvested and canned for the lean times.  She collects plastic bowls like they are gold because she understands recycling and how somebody might be able to use it someday.

Lila at 16

My grandmother met her soul mate at the age of 16, married him at 18 and continues to love him even though he died 12 years ago.  She and Papa were shining examples for commitment, patience and love being an action word.   They were married for 57 years.

Ruth kissing Norman (Papa)

My Nanny was a homemaker.  She raised her 4 kids on homemade food, hand sewn clothes and snuggled them in quilts she made until her hands started to shake so bad she had to stop.  

When I was a child I loved to watch her hang up laundry on the clothesline with the strong Texas sun willing to dry the sheets with the sweet smell of honeysuckle in the background of their small 4 1/2 acre farm.

When I was in elementary school my sister and I would get off the bus and run all the way to the “big” farm house (vs. the ‘little” house where we lived) with the dogs joyfully nipping at our heals.

Nanny and Papa's 50th wedding celebration with their family
Nanny would greet us with fresh ice box cookies warm from the oven and a tall glass of cold milk.  We would all sit and eat our cookies and watch Nanny’s show that was on (I think after school it was As the World Turns).

Nanny taught us to cook comfort foods that continue to sooth my soul in times of need.

She is famous for her Pecan Pie and Snow Biscuits.
Nanny loves flowers, traveling and her family most of all.

Nanny with her four grown kids

I am so lucky to have this loving woman in my life.  I spoke with her on the phone earlier today to sing her happy birthday and hear all about who had called her so far.  Our talks can be a little challenging over the phone.  Nanny wears two hearing aids and even with them has a hard time understanding. My heart is in Texas tonight - on an East Texas farm and I wish I was there playing cards with her and probably getting stomped, unless I was lucky enough to be her partner!

Wrapping you around with infinite love and cherished memories,


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Creating a blog about nature

The colors in nature amaze me!

As do the patterns

And the textures

And the gifts nature continually gives us if we allow ourselves to notice and receive

Monday, September 22, 2014

Creating a creative Monday

Dear friends,

Today has been a fun and productive day!

Flowers from Earthsprings

It started out with my weekly Manifesting Monday's group.  We meet at a local coffee shop for an hour to talk about what we are creating for the week and how we did last week! 

The Owl mascot - at my Sat. Class
Since I just got back from a weekend work trip this was especially good for me today to get me centered and on track for the week.

The weather was gorgeous here in Atlanta today - it was the kind of Autumn day that begs you to stay outside all day to work/play.

I didn't have all day but I did get in at least 30 min on the front porch soaking in the weather and writing a couple of haiku poems for the Daily Creative Practice's Free fall creativity challenge #9.

The tank is empty
Taking a deep breath moment
Before speeding off.

Beautiful Flowers in Ellen's yard!

The Perfect Day
Sunshine and Wind-chimes
Paying tribute Autumn days
Breath in sacred peace.

This afternoon was spent at my friend +Ellen's garagio (pottery studio in her garage).

I created five hand formed pottery bowls to add to the growing collection for the upcoming EmptyBowlsNorcross
event - it is a grassroots event to help feed the hungry in the community. The first annual event will take place on October 18, 2014.

Today's bowls in process

Add in kid chauffeuring, catching up with a couple of friends, some coaching, prepping for a meeting tomorrow and it added up to a great day! 

What made your Monday great?

Wrapping you around with infinite love and wisdom,



Sunday, September 21, 2014

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Creating Meaningful Work (which includes a women's retreat!)

Dear friends,

Today I've been working on my upcoming women's retreat.  I had a coaching/accountability session with my dear friend Cynthia who challenged me to write a blog about my retreat and part of my process.

The view from the mountain retreat home

Warm fires and the South Alter from a prev. retreat
One of the waterfalls we visit
As some of ya'll know I am a social worker (an LMSW who does training),  
Adoption Coach, Interplay leader in training,  

full time mom, girl scout leader, part-time employee at Eye Candy Art Studio, and a retreat facilitator!

Each role/job is important to me and I find them all to be meaningful in my life.

I have been a retreat participant for over 14 years at a lovely place in East Texas called Earthsprings.  

When I lived in Texas I would retreat with this group of ladies 1-2 times a year.  They continue to be an incredible resource and well of support in my life.  

When we moved to GA 7 years ago I was called to start facilitating retreats. Gulp.

I enjoy creating an environment and a place for women to come to relax, renew and connect with each other and Mother Earth.

I am full of gratitude as I think of all of the retreats I have attended and facilitated and what gifts they have brought to my life.

I also get butterflies as I start to advertise them - nervous excitement about who will be coming this time and what will be created out of the weekend.

I am imagining the crisp, clean mountain air;  The warmth of a good fire and friends in beautiful surroundings; The laughter that fills my heart when I am playful and resonating with my sisters and the smells of delicious gourmet food that is always a treat!

I have limited spaces but would love to invite you to join me and some other extraordinary women this Fall for a special retreat.

Fall is always a busy time and I am so thankful for the chance to retreat, breath deep and fulfill the call of meaningful work.

What meaningful work calls to your soul?

Wrapping you around with infinite love and wisdom,


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Creating a full and beautiful life

Dear Friends,

It has been a wild and full 5 days.  I've been missing blogging and was trying to decide what to write about today (now that I have a moment) and decided I should just tell you what I've been up to (fasten your seat belt):

So it all started early (4:30 am early) last Friday morning when I got up to go meet the regional director of Atlanta Interplay +Jennifer Denning so we could trek up to Alto, GA and facilitate our weekly Interplay session with 16+ prisoners at the Lee Arrendale State Prison (the largest women's prison in GA).

If you haven't gotten to see the recent piece by John Oliver on the US prison system it's well worth your time:

Next we raced back to ATL and the Mask center to meet Phil Porter (one of the founders of Interplay).  My friend +Hallelujah Truth Ruth wrote a great blog on our adventure that tells you all about it here:

Atlanta Interplay Blog - Give Performance a Hug 

That evening (after a much needed nap) we were back at the mask center for the start of "The Secrets of Interplay - Leader Training."  This was a weekend full of delightful Interplayers playing and learning on our journey to become Interplay

My dear friend, Ruth, hosted me in town for the weekend so I was able to have a lovely retreat and not worry about traffic.

One of the many joys of the weekend were additional people joining us for "Second Saturday" (our regular time 10am for Interplay once a month at the Mask Center).

Second Saturday Playmates

After a full and meaningful weekend I made it home around 5pm Sunday to be greeted with a homemade German meal that Alex (16) and her new friend, Hannah, spent 7 hours cooking.  Our good friends, Shelly and Eric (Hannah's host parents) came over to celebrate the meal with us.

Monday started with my Manifesting Monday Meeting that I facilitate and the day continued to expand!

The plans were to have a few friends over for dinner before the  Monday night Interplay Workshop Following and Leading being led by Phil Porter out here in the burbs :)

Well somehow 4 mushroomed into 14 (people really like to avoid traffic) and we had a mini party with delicious Mexican food before a terrific workshop at the Lionheart Performing Arts Center!

"Following and Leading" Picture taken by +Hallelujah Truth 

After the workshop there was much cleanup to be had, procrastinated homework to facilitate and birthday cupcakes to make before falling exhausted yet utterly satisfied into bed.

My view at the Chattahoochee during my "Leisure Break" tday
Ducks at Leisure at the river
So that leads me to today which included taking Phil to the Marta so he could head to the airport and his journey home, an exercise walk with a good friend, a Skype Interplay session with Ruth, 
Kid chauffeuring (x3), a 10 min leisure break by the Chattahoochee river,  finding a delightful piece of art outside of my new part time job space, working/playing for 3 hours, making art, and closing the shop to the sound of a 5 piece bluegrass band playing next door.  

I took a moment to take a deep breath of the beautiful "almost" Fall air and give gratitude(s) for the amazing, full, beautiful life I lead.  Thank you for being a part of it.

I'd love to hear what you've been up to?  What makes your life full and beautiful?

Wrapping you around with infinite love and kindness,


P.S.  There is so much more to write, stories to share and adventures to tell - I know the "list" just peeked at the surface - Hopefully you'll join me sometime soon on the porch for a cup of tea and conversation about some of the lessons I learned this past weekend.  

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Creating Saturday

Dear friends,

Today was a creative day! Yahoo!  Worked on several projects and ended the day with the Annual Beltline lantern parade :)

Joe and I right before the parade :)

One of my favorite lanterns!!!

The message on the back made my heart smile :)

Too cool!
Walking towards line up this cool pac man lantern caught my attention

One of our group members had balloons with butterflies...

Parade participants lining up ;)

  Wrapping you around with infinite love and light,


Friday, September 5, 2014

Creating a full and meaningful Friday

The view this morning as we headed North to go Interplay at the women's prison.

The cardinal feather I was gifted with upon my return home. So many stories to tell from a day full of meaningful work, but sleep beckons and they must wait until the writer is rested!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Creating a blog about Apple Carts

Dear Friends,


I was "Interplaying" with my friend +Hallelujah Truth  this morning and processing the feelings I've been going through the last couple of weeks and an image of an upset apple cart came to mind.  It was  a perfect metaphor.

I think I'm finally getting around to processing the big move this summer and all the stuff (literal and figuratively) that it entailed.  With the start of school (one public and one homeschooled) schedules have shifted and in lots of ways upset my apple cart.  I've been off my regular routine so I'm a little out of sorts.

Today I am giving gratitude for the "apples" and the beautiful journey that we as humans experience.  

I'm also giving gratitude that I know how to put the apples back in the cart and get on my merry way if I so choose too :)

In honor of insight and playing with life I cut up an apple and added it to the yummy salad I made for lunch!

Wrapping you around with infinite love and strength,
